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Top 10 Signs Of Porn Addiction

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Top 10 Signs Of Porn Addiction

The widespread availability of pornography on the internet has become truly problematic for many people who suffer from porn addiction. The constant craving for pornographic media available on-line results in many individuals seeking help for this addictive behaviour. The numbers speak for themselves: just in 2019, a popular porn site, PornHub, recorded 115 million visits daily, and 42 billion visits by users on their website in 12 months.

Porn addiction can become a major problem in a person’s life and it should not be treated as a trivial matter. In many cases, it interferes with work, family relationships, and other aspects of an individual’s life. And so, it is important to watch out for these top 10 signs in order to determine if you or a loved one suffer from porn addiction.  

1. You Are Unable To Stop

Despite trying to stop looking at pornography, you are unable to do so. Within time, the inability to stop watching pornography can draw you away from your responsibilities and it can negatively affect you relationships with family and friends.

2. You Crave More 

You may experience that you have cravings for more pronography, or you may feel intense cravings after not viewing porn for a while. This may result in secretive behavior, where you hide your porn addiction from your partner. In time, it may cause you to be defensive and explosive when confronted about this problem. 

3. You Lose Time Watching Porn

You may lose large amounts of time in a day and accomplish very little as you search for and look at porn. Many people feel lethargic as a result, and often lose interest in anything else.

4. You Lose Interest In Sex

You may find that you have lost interest in sex with your partner, or that you find you partner less attractive as a result of your porn addicition. You may become unresponsive to your partner’s romantic advances, and this can cause your partner to become more distant from you. 

5. You’re More Demanding

You may develop some unrealistic expectations for your sex life because of watching pornography: you might become more demanding in the bedroom, become easily frustrated, and ultimately alienated from your partner. 

6. You’ve Lost Attraction Towards Your Partner

You can develop certain unrealistic expectations of beauty from your partner as a result of your porn addiction. This can deeply hurt your partner and cause them to feel low self-esteem. 

7. You Have Physical Pain

Physical pain caused by porn addiction is no joke: you can develop pain in your wrists, neck, back, or you might have headaches. 

8. You Are Losing Money

Your porn addiction can lead you to crave higher quality content, which in many cases, comes at a higher financial cost. You may begin to notice that you are losing large amounts of money while feeding your porn addiction, and in time you can become financially unstable.  

9. You Are Distracted

Your constant craving for pronography leaves you in a state of distraction most of the time. You find it difficult to connect with family and friends, and you seem distant when you are around them. 

10. You Are Angry

Just like with any other addictive behavior, if you don’t have access to porn for a while, you may become irritable and down-right angry. When common tasks prevent you from looking at pornography, you may lash out at your partner, ultimately affecting your relationship. 

If you recognise some of the above mentioned signs of porn addiction in your life, or suspect that a loved one may be addicted to porn, please contact us today and find out how we can help you get back to your wellbeing again.

Muskoka Recovery

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