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Compulsive Gambling Addiction In Ontario

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Compulsive Gambling Addiction In Ontario

Compulsive gambling, problem gambling, or gambling addiction is associated with many problems, which are not just entirely about losing money. Compulsive gambling can take over your whole life, leaving your relationships tattered, work and familial obligations neglected, and of course your finances decimated or gone entirely.

To make things even worse, in many cases compulsive gamblers accrue a significant personal financial debt. In this article we will identify some common factors, symptoms, and risks associated with compulsive gambling. 

Compulsive Gambling Signs And Symptoms

Compulsive gambling can affect virtually anyone, as symptoms can develop in young adolescence or even in later stages of life. It has been noted by researchers that men start gambling early on in life while women later on. Signs and symptoms of compulsive gambling include:

  • Constantly planning to get more money to gamble with.
  • Gambling more amounts of money more frequently. 
  • Trying to cut back on gambling without success. 
  • Using gambling as a coping method for anxiety, depression, or negativity.
  • Chasing losses: always gambling to win back what you have lost.
  • Being secretive with family members about gambling.
  • Irritability and restlessness when not gambling. 
  • Neglecting work and family obligations. Avoiding important social functions(i.e. Graduations, kids sports games).
  • Being prone to committing fraud to gamble.
  • Imposing on friends and family to help out because of constant problem gambling issues. 

Causes of Compulsive Gambling

The exact causes of compulsive gambling are not yet fully known, but there are some social, genetic, and biological factors that many gambling addicts have in common. This can include:

  • Mental health issues: Many compulsive gamblers have substance abuse issues, anxiety, depression, and may exhibit symptoms of bi-polar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), general anxiety disorders (GAD, ADHD).
  • Age: Even though young people are more likely to develop compulsive gambling addiction throughout their life as opposed to older people, older generations certainly struggle with compulsive addiction as well (i.e. slot machines, lottery etc.).
  • Sex: Men are more likely to gamble as opposed to women. Women tend to start gambling later on in life compared to men who start as early as adolescence. 
  • Influence of family or friends: Compulsive gambling may become a problem when one’s friends and family gamble.
  • Shared personality traits: Compulsive gamblers can share character traits such as; being a workaholic, competitive, restless, easily bored, or being impulsive. 

The consequences of compulsive gambling are also eerily similar for those suffering from this affliction. Many lose their families through divorce, develop poor job performance, develop substance addictions, suffer financially, and deteriorate their overall health and wellbeing. Most troubling is the fact that many contemplate, attempt, and commit sucide because of compulsive gambling. 

Help for Compulsive Gamblers

Being a compulsive gambler can feel devastating and virtually impossible to overcome, but there are treatment options for those who are willing to stop their gambling addiction. Counselling programs (in-person, over-the-phone), group sessions, family counselling sessions are just a few of the treatment options available for compulsive gamblers. 

If you or a loved one is affected by compulsive gambling issues, please contact us today to find out how we can help you onto a path of recovery.

Muskoka Recovery

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