
Welcome to Muskoka Recovery

Muskoka Recovery offers a sanctuary for those seeking addiction recovery, blending the tranquility of Muskoka's natural beauty with luxurious amenities and comprehensive support, guiding individuals towards lasting sobriety.
Working Hours
Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

Mon - Sun 24 Hours


Private Location - Muskoka


Health & Care

Muskoka Recovery / Health & Care

What Are Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders are identified as certain persistent eating behaviours that can negatively affect a person’s life in many ways. These disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating directly impact a person’s health, their emotions, and their ability to function in their day-to-day lives. With appropriate treatment, however, many individuals return to healthy eating habits and in some cases can reverse the damage done to their bodies as a result of eating disorders.   Who Develops Eating Disorders? In most cases, teens and young adults are the most prone demographic to develop eating disorders, however, others in their adulthood can suffer from eating disorders also. Most individuals who suffer from eating disorders focus too much on their bodies: their weight, their shape, and the way they are seen...


How to Know When it’s Time to Get Help for Addiction

Some people may ask themselves is my addiction “bad enough” to go seek help? It’s likely that if you have searched your way to find this article it may be the first step of you realizing you may need help. Addiction is actually severely undertreated as people don’t feel the need to get help until they hit rock bottom, the goal is to prevent yourself from even getting to rock bottom in the first place by recognizing it’s becoming a problem and treating it early. You can be addicted to alcohol, drugs, or even high risk activities like gambling or engaging in unsafe intercourse. Usually you get the sense for how bad this addiction is getting when it starts to affect your relationships, work and overall...

Why You Should Never Detox Alone

Many people may be hesitant to get the medical attention they need, but this is why it's so important you never detox alone.There are so many dangers in detoxing alone. You wouldn't treat a broken arm at home alone would you? You would go to the hospital. We need to treat addiction and withdrawal just as serious. Detoxing alone is rarely ever effective and is very challenging to do alone. Withdrawal symptoms are very serious, your body goes into a state of shock when it is suddenly deprived of the drug of choice it is used to. Your brain has no idea how to deal with the sudden loss of this drug and it starts to show up as symptoms throughout your body that require medical...
